Friday, December 6, 2013


NYC December 2013
I needed some happy.....It's been a tough year. A trip to NYC always works wonders when my heart's a little heavy.... so off to the city we go. New York at Christmas time is a magical and awe inspiring showcase of creativity. I always leave excited and renewed. The materials and techniques in the windows alone are breathtaking. As a maker of things, you could adopt, incorporate and embellish on this treasure trove of ideas for the rest of your life and never empty the well.

Christmas vendor village set up in Union Square. Magical at night.
 Visit Fishs Eddy on 19th St. while you are there.
Chalk art in Washington Square Park. This says it all....

Anthropologie in Rockefeller Plaza.
 If there's a common thread to many windows this year, it's a handcrafted- Russian Winter- story tale vibe.

Detail. It looks to be made of simple materials. Yarn, thin wood, paper and paint. So clever...


Large Russian nesting doll made of paper mache. Simple and very cool.

Hand painted of course.

I think this was my city wide favorite. The 'fur' is fashioned from small wooden pegs wrapped with wool yarn.
 There's another window with a wolf clawing a burlap tapestry. My photos didn't read well, but it's worth an online search for a look. Genius....


Russian bear fur.


St. Patrick's Cathedral. Peaceful, even with extensive renovations all around

ABC Carpet and Home.
 If you know and adore Cody Foster products, ABC has the entire Christmas catalog on display. A Cody Foster Feast! Expensive... yes. But unique and exquisite. When will this company get a brick and mortar store in the city?

Bergdorf Goodman
These windows featured a year of different seasons and holidays. I believe this was Spring. The tree roots continue and give a little subterranian scene which I did not photograph. Darn!

The shovel really elevates the scene above just fairy tale beautiful. It becomes so much more mysterious.
 What is going on here?

A tortoise, a snail, bugs and grass, and yet it still works as a Christmastime tableau.

Tiffany and Co.
 I think these house are made of paper.The most magnetic moment is created by the scene featuring a single tiny lit window with a itsy present perched on the sill....see below. 

Under the child's bed in the ABC windows. Break my heart adorableness.
Maybe the best NYC trip of all time.
Thanks Mom!

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